In some languages, error or exception handling is a quite slow operation, e.g. in Java. So the question about performance impact of Go error handling became an interest for me. It’s obvious that creating, returning or printing errors does not differ from creating, returning or printing any other interface type. But in Go we have common patterns to wrap it (Unwrap() func) and check or wrap underlying values (Is(error) bool and As(any) bool). I created a set of benchmarks to test the performance of plain error value, custom error structs, errors from fmt.Errorf and errors created by two popular libraries and

Disclaimer: I’m not suggesting to optimize the performance of error handling without thinking. In most cases, it doesn’t matter, and code readability is much more important. But I think developers should understand the performance of different cases, and errors handling is one of these cases. So this post is more like “good to know” and not like “optimization plan”.

What will be tested there Link to heading

In these benchmarks I’m testing three cases:

  • Create and print error
  • Check error value using errors.Is()
  • Extract underlying error using errors.As()

If you are not familiar with these methods, I’d recommending to read Go docs about errors first.

Each benchmark tests performance and amount of memory allocations.

In each benchmark I’m using similar set of test targets:

  • Baseline - benchmark baseline, target with minimal impact on performance
  • Custom - custom struct for error
  • Wrap - custom struct to wrap underlying error, provide Unwrap() error method
  • fmt.Errorf - wrap error variable with fmt.Errorf("%w", err)
  • errors.Wrap - wrap error variable with stacktrace using errors.Wrap(err) func from lib.
  • multierr - append two error variables using multierr.Append() from

All benchmark’s code and target types are available here: /examples/go-errors.

Create and print Link to heading

This test is quite simple - I just create a new error and call Error() method.

For baseline one global error variable is used which was created using errors.New().

Custom struct is a struct value with string field which prints it as Error().

All wrapping types (custom wrap struct, fmt.Errorf and errors.Wrap) just wraps global error variable (the same as used for baseline) and call Error() on it.

Multierr test combine two error variables into single error.

errors.Is Link to heading

This benchmark checks the performance of errors.Is(err, target error) bool func with different err and target arguments.

Baseline - just check global variable error as err and target.

Custom - an error struct with Is(error) bool method:

func (e *errIs) Is(target error) bool {
	if p, ok := target.(*errIs); ok {
		return e.x == p.x
	return false

Wrap, fmt.Error, errors.Wrap and multierr are the same as in previous case.

errors.As Link to heading

Benchmark cases for errors.As(err error, any target) bool func.

Baseline - construct a new custom error struct and check the performance of extracting it into same-type struct pointer.

Custom - use error struct with method As:

func (e *errAs) As(target any) bool {
	if p, ok := target.(**errAs); ok {
		if *p == nil {
			*p = &errAs{x: e.x}
		} else {
			(*p).x = e.x
		return true
	return false

All wrappers are the same.

Results Link to heading

The results of these benchmarks are computed on my local laptop, so actual time values are not really representative, but it shows an order and big differences between some benchmark targets.

Performance Link to heading

Performance of all cases units is ns per operation.

Test New + Error() errors.Is() errors.As()
Baseline 2.558 5.678 61.64
Custom 27.35 12.99 66.87
Wrap 33.82 19.82 82.92
fmt.Errorf 152.5 19.32 81.79
errors.Wrap 1046 33.11 117.7
multierr 169.4 18.60 111.2

Memory Link to heading

Memory allocations units is allocations per operation.

Test New + Error() errors.Is() errors.As()
Baseline 0 0 0
Custom 1 0 0
Wrap 1 0 0
fmt.Errorf 2 0 0
errors.Wrap 5 0 0
multierr 3 0 0

Conclusion Link to heading

Nothing out of the ordinary. I’d expected these results when created benchmarks. Go errors handling doesn’t have performance drawbacks, most common operations takes just a number of nanoseconds and no additional allocations. If you compare it with Java exceptions it’ll be at least 100x faster. The only case with similar to Java performance is errors.Wrap because it collects the stacktrace data of method call, but it can provide more details.

But these results has a few interesting points:

  • The performance of custom Is and As just a little better than performance of struct with Unwrap method (13 vs 19 ns and 66 vs 82 ns), so it could be used for implementing custom logic based on error internals, not for performance benefits.
  • Create fmt.Errorf from base error is much faster than errors.Wrap. So use errors.Wrap if you need stacktrace data or if you don’t care about additional ~1000ns on error creating. Custom wrapper struct could be even better than fmt.Errorf.
  • If you really care about performance when creating a new error, create value based struct error on stack - it may cost less than 1ns and zero allocations.