GitHub has well-documented REST API endpoints and description for OAuth2 apps, but the quick-start for creating new hooks app for marketplace is not really clear: you need to read a lot of documentation just to try it. I’m going to explain here how to create new GitHub app in a few steps, and then you will be able to read the whole documentation if interested.

First you need to understand if you really need a GitHub app. You have three options to perform GitHub API calls:

  • Using personal access token
  • Creating OAuth application
  • Creating GitHub app

This diagram may help you to decide what kind of application is more suitable. Also, GitHub explains the difference between OAuth and Apps quite verbosely.

Requirements Link to heading

To create a new GitHub app you will need:

  • Web server with DNS name and HTTPS to serve web-hooks processor: GitHub will send HTTP requests for configured events to this URL.
  • GitHub account to create new application

Configuration Link to heading

The steps for creating a new GitHub application:

  • Go to you GitHub profile, settings, DeveloperSettings, GitHub Apps, click “New GitHub App” (or just follow the link); fill required inputs in create-app form, pay attention to “Webhook URL”, it should be you server URL + hooks path. Click create.
  • Create web-app for webhooks processing, deploy it to the server. It should handle correctly hooks URL specified in first-step as “Webhook URL”
  • Go to the down of app page and generate private key for this app, download it and save to the hooks server. Also, copy “App ID” and save it on server too.
  • Generate random string locally as webhooks secret, save it in app settings as “Webhook secret” and on server too.
  • Configure permissions and events on App page settings: permissions specify what GitHub API calls your application is allowed to perform, it could be configured; events specify what webhooks App receives when installed. Both are configured on “Permissions & events” tab on GitHub App page.
  • On the App page, “General” tab: copy “App ID” to your web server.

Hooks processing Link to heading

Process hooks:

  • Using App private key and App ID create transport for GitHub API calls, it could be done once on server start. For Go you can use this library: bradleyfalzon/ghinstallation. For other languages you can user this approach or find another library. App authentication allows the client to perform high-level management information via API and retrieve access token for installation.
  • On each webhook received: validate webhook payload using webhooks secret (which you generated locally and saved as “Webhook secret” input on App page), parse payload, extract app installation ID from hook event (json path, and using this installation ID gen new access token using App authentication. With this access token you can access GitHub API with permissions you’ve specified in “Permissions & events”.

Debugging Link to heading

To check webhook events the GitHub sends to your App and view the responses to GitHub, you can check App’s page “Advanced” and “Recent Deliveries” section: there GitHub displays all event payloads and HTTP requests, and the status of delivery with hook’s server responses.